*I learned that there is a word that rhymes with orange, sporange. (Yes that is a word. Look it up!)
* I had a long spring break
* I had Easter at home
* I had my first sleepover at my friend's house
* My sister was baptized
* I learned that Russia has a larger surface then Pluto
* Victor started saying, "Mommy, will you pray for me?"
* We got 300 backpacks for Backpacks Of Hope
*Of course I did the SOL Challenge
Wow! I didn't realize that I didn't really do much this month. Yet, I did do several things. I liked doing this SOL challenge. I think I did enough activities, and I learned some new things too. It's kinda crazy how Russia has a larger surface than the planet Pluto. (Yes I do consider Pluto a planet. I mean really how could we leave out a cute little Pluto)I did learn more at school, but that would be long and boring to name them all.
I'll just say, March was a nice month. I quite enjoyed it.