Friday, March 11, 2016

Just Another Normal Friday

Yesterday everything was crazy especially because of the field trip to Fort McHenry. (see yesterday's blog) 

Today everything was pretty normal. I went to school, did the normal math, reading, writing, and we had art today too! I personally love art so I love Fridays because we have art. Nothing weird or unusual happened at school. Nothing crazy or unnatural. 

The only this that was different was that we had book buddies today. My book buddy, Talia, is VERY shy and has NEVER, and I mean EVER even once said a word to me! She never even smiled! She sits there listening to me read a book while everyone else's book buddy is reading the book to them! Still it was normal.

When I got home, mom wasn't there so I made dinner which was pizza, salad, and my own cake! The cake was made with a mix, but whatever. (I CAN make a cake from scratch just in case you were wondering) I gave Victor a bath and then, well, it is 7:22 and I'm writing this.

Yup just a normal Friday.


  1. Your normal Friday was fun to read about. I wonder why your book buddy is still so shy. It will shake up your normal Friday when she does suddenly talk or smile.

  2. Your normal Friday was fun to read about. I wonder why your book buddy is still so shy. It will shake up your normal Friday when she does suddenly talk or smile.
